Online ordering available june 2024

August 12, 2024


Stay cool this summer



A moon-flooded prairie; a straying 
Of Leal-hearted lovers; a baying 
Of faraway watching dogs; a dreaming 
Of brown-fisted farmers; a gleaming 
Of fireflies eddying nigh, —
And that is July!

– poem by James N. Matthews

Yes, we will be at the Garden show, we have Raffles and Prizes so make sure you stop by the Little Shop booth and say Hi,

July Gardening

July signifies the height of summer and all its glorious radiance, while in the Southern hemisphere, it is the middle of winter and a time for meditation and reflection.

Don’t give up on your garden when the weather is hot

Follow This Summer Garden Checklist to Keep Plants Thriving All Season

  • 1. Spread Mulch Spreading a 2-inch-thick layer of mulch over your soil is one of      the best things you can do for your garden. …

  • 2. Pull Up Weeds …

  • 3. Add Color with Summer Annuals …

  • 4. Plant Summer-Blooming Bulbs …

  • 5. Pinch Back Mums and Other Late Perennials …

  • 6. Remove Faded Flowers …

  • 7. Watch for Pests and Diseases …

  • 8. Water Your Garden …

Flowers of the month of JULY

Larkspur and Water Lily

The official birth flowers for July are Larkspurs and Water Lily. 

Larkspurs are popular ornamentals and have lovely tall flower spikes, typically in pink, white, and lavender shades. Larkspur also known as lark’s heel, lark’s toes, lark’s claw, and knight’s spur. The name larkspur refers to the shape of the flower’s spur-like petals as they resemble the claws of a lark bird. larkspur flowers symbolize love, joy, romanticism, and positivity. The July birth flower holds numerous meanings depending on its color. 

The water lily is another recognized birthday flower for July. Water lilies are aquatic plants that belong to the family Nymphaeaceae. They are one of the oldest families of flowering plants, dating back to about 130 million years. The flowers signify rebirth and resurrection because they close at night and reopen at the crack of dawn. Since the blooms emerge from the mud, they are also a symbol of enlightenment. 

July Herbs of the Month

It is common belief that herbs are related to specific zodiac signs. Specific herbs are thought to possess traits that highlight each zodiac sign which can be beneficial and help with healing. 

Cancer herbs (June-July): Lavender’s tranquil and calming properties makes it an ideal herb for Cancers. Blooming from early spring to late summer, lavender thrives with ample sun and proper drainage. Commonly found along pathways or around seating areas in gardens, lavender is compatible with almost any plant. Bees, butterflies, and other beneficial pollinators love lavender, while unwanted pests such as deer, rabbits, and mosquitos are repelled by it.

Please note: Lavender contains a small amount of linalool, which is toxic to dogs and cats.

Flora the Little Shop Garden Explorer

Little Flora sure is a busy little bee, always buzzing around her garden and helping the plants grow. I wonder what Flora is planting now.

Portulaca Grandiflora

Commonly known as moss rose, this succulent plant comes with a long list of benefits and uses. It is drought-tolerant, handles heat well, and produces masses of colorful flowers to light up beds and baskets. They are incredibly low-maintenance and easy to grow from seed, filling your garden with color year after year. Their ability to withstand dry soil and plenty of heat makes them ideal for warm climates

Kids indoor summer activities  

Indoor gardening can be a fun and educational activity for kids during the hot summer months. Some ideas for indoor gardening activities for kids include planting herbs or small vegetables in pots or containers, creating a mini-indoor garden with succulents or cacti, starting a small indoor hydroponic system, or growing sprouts or microgreens indoors. These activities can help children learn about plant growth, responsibility, and the importance of caring for living things, all while staying cool indoors during the hot summer months. Then the best part you can harvest all your bounty, cut it up and enjoy it with family.

If you are interested in starting a Hydroponic System at home and don’t know where to start. Stop by the store and we can teach you how.

July’s full Buck Moon will rise on Sunday, July 21

The full Moon in July is called the Buck Moon because the antlers of male deer (bucks) are in full-growth mode at this time. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, producing a larger and more impressive set as the years go by.

Plants are also featured prominently in July’s Moon names. Some of our favorites are Berry Moon, Moon When the Chokecherries are Ripe, Month of the Ripe Corn Moon, and Raspberry Moon.

What Are The Dog Days Of Summer?

The “Dog Days” of summer are from July 3 to August 11 each year. They’re usually the hottest and most unbearable days of the season. We often hear about the “Dog Days” of summer, but few know where the expression originated. Some think it’s a reference to the hot, sultry days that are “not fit for a dog.


Our #1 Selling Pet CBD Product for Joint and Stress Support

The pet treats are made with a unique nano-emulsified CBD technology, that makes the molecules of the active ingredients much smaller and more easily absorbed by the body. DYNAPURE’S CBD products provide better bioavailability than other products on the market. In addition to premium water-soluble hemp extract, brewer’s yeast promotes healthy skin, hair, eyes and liver function in your pet. High levels of B vitamins may reduce anxiety in dogs as well. Brewer’s yeast is also high in important minerals such as selenium, potassium, chromium, iron, zinc and magnesium which are essential for a variety of cell and organ functions for your pet.

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