Online ordering available june 2024

February 9, 2024




Hygeia’s Hydration is Oregon’s Only blending tool for the Nectar for the Gods line of nutrients. Rich in saponins, Yucca acts as a wetting agent to aid in root penetration for maximum nutrient uptake. The organic acids in Yucca contribute to chelation of other nutrients, making them more available to microbes and to your plants. Hygeia’s Hydration can be used for those pesky soils that dry out and will not rehydrate with regular watering. You can also use Hygeia’s Hydration as a wetting agent for foliar feeding nutrients. Because of the high saponin levels, this product is not recommended for heavily aerated reservoirs due to the foaming that will occur.

Additional information

Weight 45.0000000000000000 lbs
Dimensions 12.0000000000000000 × 12.0000000000000000 × 14.7500000000000000 in